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Those who are not in love will say that Valentine’s Day is a marketing invention to make us spend money and book expensive hotels, while others will say that it is the perfect date to show your love to your life partner.

What is certain is that companies take advantage of this date to make a display of creativity, giving a twist to their marketing in order to attract lovers and sell their products and services making an ode to love.

At FlowFlamingo we have made a list of the 5 best Valentine’s Day marketing campaigns, some of which are even a little racy to take away that cloying touch so characteristic of February 14.

1.IKEA and its Valentine's Day accessories

Created by McCann Madrid, the creative team has chosen to give a rather naughty twist to IKEA items, showing their versatility for Valentine’s Day. As you can see in the image, they have chosen three items that, when used in the “wrong” way, can give a lot of play.

This ephemeral campaign could only be enjoyed during February 14 in some movie theaters and on the Swedish giant’s social networks, where it blew the minds of the most spicy audience. The objectives of this campaign were to connect with the audience and give it a fun twist for this special date.

“This Valentine’s Day we want to broaden the look on our products, that our customers see in them other possibilities through a campaign with a fun touch and why not say it, a little spicy. The Ikea style can be as varied as our offer, always to place ourselves next to people, their daily lives and their interests,” concludes Gabriel Ladaria, Marketing Director of Ikea in Spain.

2.TINDER Do we all make mistakes?

Have you heard the curse of Belinda’s ex-boyfriends’ tattoos? Christian Nodal, Lupillo Rivera and Criss Angel, tattooed the name of the singer co-star of the song “Las 12” as a token of their love for the pop star.

Tinder has launched a Valentine’s Day campaign that Nodal and Lupillo can probably relate to. The initiative was called Recycling Tattoos, and consisted of looking for a possible match for people who had not yet erased the tattoo with the name of their ex-partner. Two guys and a girl were selected to attend a speed dating party at a restaurant in Madrid. During the event, they had the opportunity to meet potential partners who shared the same name or initials as their tattooed former loves.

It’s never too late if it’s too late!

3.Bipi and its daring marketing: CARmasutra, the way to get the most out of your car.

Bipi, as advocates of freedom in relationships and flexibility for its customers, has created a very innovative and rather naughty Valentine’s Day marketing campaign under the slogan “Go for it as you like it”. Understanding that vehicles are used for more than just a means of transportation, they have developed CARmasutra, an illustrated guide that shows different postures adapted to each type of car according to its size. But that’s not all, if your car does not meet your needs, Bipi offers you the option of exchanging it for another one with no strings attached or commitments. Thus, Bipi invites you to explore your most intimate desires and enjoy life without restrictions.

The definitive guide to getting the most out of your cars is available on the official website: It’s not to be missed!

Thank you Ambar for dedicating a few words to us!

Ambar has decided to celebrate San Solterín Day (February 13) with the slogan #EstarSolteroSabeMejor. The brand has organized a fun campaign, with the help of the agency Darwin & Verne, with activities on social networks and in the street to celebrate the advantages of being single. Singles can enjoy a special pack with exclusive discounts on the Ambar website, and can get more discounts if they enter a dating app and make a match with the brand’s profile. In addition, they have taken to the streets to hack graffiti and claim that being single also has its benefits: Street Art, beers and a more than vindicative message!

5.Match your ideal Telepizza pizza!

Telepizza didn’t want you to go hungry on Valentine’s Day! The Telepizza app has decided to go one step further in the love for pizza and has turned its app into a dating app for you to find your perfect match in the form of pizza. Are you more of a ham and mushroom or pepperoni and extra cheese? As simple as downloading the app, setting up your pizza profile and waiting to make a match with your ideal flavor.

And that’s not all, because in addition the first 750 people who downloaded the app and made a minimum order of 15 euros, Telepizza gave them a box of Magnum ice cream chocolates.

Now that’s a way to enjoy love in all its forms, both sweet and savory.

Juan Antonio Bikoro Montoro

Juan Antonio Bikoro

Directo de FlowFlamingo, graduado de marketing y dirección de empresas, cuenta con un máster en marketing digital por la Universidad de Salford.

A lo largo de su trayectoria profesional, ha trabajado en agencias de marketing y moda, donde ha adquirido una amplia experiencia en estrategias digitales. Su paso por MyProtein fue clave, liderando un equipo que gestionó a más de 300 influencers y ayudando a la marca a consolidarse como líder en Europa.

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