Nowadays, everyone has social networks, but if you still don’t have them, we explain the new features of Instagram so you can create an account quickly and start enjoying this platform.
Instagram is one of the most popular social networks worldwide, especially among those who enjoy sharing photos and videos. Over the years, Instagram has adapted and evolved to meet the needs of its users and remain relevant in an increasingly competitive market.
However, the overwhelming success of new platforms has led Instagram to continue innovating and renewing itself in order to remain the preferred option for its users.
What can we expect from Instagram in 2023? Here we present you some of the most interesting new features.
One of Instagram’s new features is called “Notes” which allows users to write short messages, up to 60 characters, using letters and emojis. These messages will be displayed on each user’s profile, in the Stories section and some accounts have already started testing this feature.
This new experience is reminiscent of the way Twitter allows you to post short text messages. However, the new tool can only be implemented with those on the “best friends” list or among those who follow each other.
The implementation of “Notes” is a faster and easier way to communicate with friends and followers within Instagram. Many users are excited to be able to use this new feature to share thoughts and messages with their followers.
instagram vs bereal news: candidacy
Among the new features of Instagram, we find Cadid, which, taking advantage of the success of Bereal, has also jumped on the bandwagon by implementing a very similar function in the app. This is the latest addition to Instagram and is the platform’s response to the resounding success of Bereal in 2023. This feature allows users to share spontaneous and random videos of their day, captured by both cameras on their device.
Like BeReal, Candid focuses on showing naturalness and eliminating posturing. The idea behind this feature is to allow users to share authentic moments of their lives instead of just showing the best of themselves. Many people feel pressured to present a perfect image on social media and Candid, attempts to break away from the “perfect life” image so typical of Instagram.
In addition, by using both cameras on the device, users can show more context and depth in their videos. This allows viewers to have a more immersive experience and feel more connected to the person behind the screen.
Increased safety
We’ve all had problems trying to access our social networking accounts at some point, either because we’ve forgotten our password or our account has been hacked.
Fortunately, Instagram has added a new option to help users in this situation. If you have been hacked or simply forgot your password, you can use to recover your account as soon as possible. You just need to select the reason why you can’t access your profile, provide your username and phone number or email, and Instagram will assess your situation and help you recover your account if you’ve fallen victim to hackers.”
It is important to take security measures to protect our social network accounts, but it is also important to have options available in case something goes wrong. Instagram’s new feature offers the option of easy account recovery in case of problems.

Sharing profiles
One of Instagram’s most anticipated new features, the Group Profiles feature is finally coming! These profiles will allow you to share posts and stories with other accounts together. Content posted on these profiles will be available only to members of the group, rather than to all followers of the individual account.
This new tool is perfect for collaborating with others and sharing content in one place. If you have a company or a group of friends who want to share content on Instagram, this is a great option.
It’s also an easy way to keep all your content organized and in one place, instead of having to navigate between different accounts. Although it is still in the testing phase, many accounts have already been able to enjoy this new feature.
Collaborative collections
Instagram is experimenting with a new feature called Collaborative Collections. This feature allows users to save posts of all kinds in a sort of shared folder. This folder can be used to organize and share your favorite posts with other Instagram users.
Posts can be saved from the feed and can also be shared with specific friends via direct messages. This is useful if you want to share a post with a group of friends or if you want to have a special place to save your favorite posts.
In addition, collaborative collections are an easy way to collaborate with other Instagram users. You can create a shared collection with friends or co-workers and everyone can add posts to it. This is really handy if you are working on a project or if you want to have a place to keep all posts related to a specific topic.
We are sure that throughout the year we will have more news on Instagram, with the aim of offering an even more satisfactory user experience, improving its position in the market.
Undoubtedly, during 2023 Instagram will continue to be one of the most popular and beloved social networks. If you still don’t have Instagram to promote your business or personal brand, you can read our article about the importance of social networks.