How to increase traffic to your website?

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Do you have a website, but when analyzing your metrics you may notice that not many users enter? There are several strategies and actions that can boost to increase the number of people who enter your website and thus know your brand, helping to increase the visibility of your business in the digital world and business results, whether sales or leads.

In the following article we offer a professional guide so that you can carry out multiple actions to increase the digital presence of your brand and thus increase traffic to your website.

1 – Website optimization

The first strategy we suggest you consider is to improve the pages of your website to offer quality resources and content. This will help you achieve visibility in the results of Google or other search engines before user searches related to the products or services you offer. Among multiple actions that integrate such strategy we can mention the following:

  • Improve the images you use in the different pages by optimizing their weight. An extra tip is that the file name of the images before uploading them to your website should be representative of what is displayed on the site.
  • Implement titles and descriptions of your products or services that are very specific, unique and original. Remember that your website is a catalog, so it is important that the product or service descriptions answer all the frequently asked questions of your potential customers so that they trust your brand.
  • Add an institutional section to mention to the user who are the members of your brand, the origin, its objectives and opinions of customers who have trusted you to give credibility.
  • Strive to make your website easy to find with short, descriptive and original URLs.

2 – Generate relevant informative content

Correlated with the previous point, another of the strategies that are recommended to implement in a section of the blog where you can find all the articles with informative content related to the products or services you offer.

This type of strategy does not directly increase the number of sales or leads, but it does increase brand awareness for those users who have a pre-conversion interest.

Remember that these contents must be unique, original and relevant to the user in order to obtain positive results. For example, if you sell car cleaning products on your website, you can generate content by answering the following questions:

  • What products do I need to clean my car?
  • How to clean the bodywork of my car?
  • How do I clean my car seats?

By answering these frequently asked questions, users may consider you for further purchasing decisions as a potential brand to trust.

3 – Promote your brand with digital ads

As with the previous points, there is a strategy to increase the visibility of your website and user traffic, in which an investment must be made, called digital advertising. What do we mean?

The digital guideline works by investing a certain amount of money in search engines, the best known is Google, with the aim that when users carry out searches related to what you offer on your website, your website appears in the first results as a sponsored ad.
In these steps you will be paying a certain amount of money (which is communicated to you by Google during the creation of campaigns) every time a user clicks on your sponsored ad. You can take this to social networks by creating paid ad campaigns on Facebook, Instagram and Tik Tok.

You can learn all the step-by-step to generate social media campaigns in our following guides:

4 – Share content on social networks

So far we have mentioned 3 very relevant strategies that allow you to increase traffic to your website but through search engines. That is why we now recommend a strategy whose main objective is to help your brand gain presence in social networks.

As you already know, social networks play an extremely important role in people’s daily screen consumption. It is estimated that a person browses through social networks 60% of their day, so much of their routine is exposed to information offered by other users or businesses with a digital presence.

By sharing content in different formats, whether traditional publications, stories, reels, videos, among others, you will increase the number of followers to your brand’s accounts and thus improve the recognition of your business. However, to ensure that your followers or account visits translate into traffic to your website, it is important that you implement different calls to action in your publications, inviting users to enter your website and perform a particular action.

In turn, you can include your website URL in your account description so that if a user logs in they can easily access it. Here is an example of how we do it from FlowFlamingo.

You can learn about all the benefits of social networks for your brand in the following article.

5 – Collaborate with influencers

Continuing with the strategies in social networks to increase traffic to your website, we must mention a very important action with great impact, which at the time of carrying it out you must be sure because the positive results abound.

Now it is the turn of influencer campaigns. We have already mentioned that social networks occupy a very important place in people’s daily consumption, so developing campaigns with influencers can allow your brand to increase its recognition.

We must consider that collaborations with influencers play, nowadays, a very important role for several reasons. The main one is that influencers create very loyal communities that fully trust their opinion.

To promote campaigns with influencers we recommend the following steps:

  1. Recognize your target audience.
  2. Determine the products or services you want to publicize.
  3. Define the budget you have available to invest in influencer campaigns.
  4. Research the type of influencer that can be effective for your brand.
  5. Talk to your chosen influencer to coordinate budget, campaign duration and messages to be disseminated.
  6. Expect positive results and stay tuned because your sales and customers will increase!

If you still have doubts about how to carry out a collaboration strategy with influencers, you can contact us and our team specialized in these campaigns will help you to promote them without mistakes and obtaining the best results.

6 – Send e-mails with news

Finally, we would like to mention the strategy of disseminating messages through email marketing actions with the objective of telling different users what your business is about and what products or services you offer by implementing different call to actions that invite the user to browse your website.

Like the previous strategy, email marketing is one of the most effective actions in the digital market and with immediate positive results.

Juan Antonio Bikoro Montoro

Juan Antonio Bikoro

Directo de FlowFlamingo, graduado de marketing y dirección de empresas, cuenta con un máster en marketing digital por la Universidad de Salford.

A lo largo de su trayectoria profesional, ha trabajado en agencias de marketing y moda, donde ha adquirido una amplia experiencia en estrategias digitales. Su paso por MyProtein fue clave, liderando un equipo que gestionó a más de 300 influencers y ayudando a la marca a consolidarse como líder en Europa.

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