Maria Pombo’s Boom: Where does her success come from?

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If you are in the influencer world you have probably heard of Maria Pombo. This influencer has conquered the social networks together with her sisters Marta and Lucia, known as “Las Pombo”. Spontaneous, fun and a role model for many, they have collaborated with the best brands in Spain, occupying the covers of magazines in our country.

Within “Las Pombo”, Maria is the pioneer and the best known of the sisters, having made appearances in the most famous programs of our country as La Resistencia or El Hormiguero. But what is the reason for the success of Maria Pombo in social networks? We explain the marketing strategies she has used to be the queen of the networks.


The well-known Spanish influencer, María Pombo, came into the world on October 17, 1994 in the city of Madrid. Coming from a family with two sisters (Lucía and Marta), María studied tourism and protocol. However, in 2012 she decided to venture into social networks, where she had a great success that led her to devote herself fully to it.

Although her career as an influencer had already begun, national recognition came in 2014, when her relationship with Real Madrid soccer player Álvaro Morata became public.

Maria Pombo is characterized for being an elegant, stylish and quite correct young woman. With 3 million followers on Instagram, she attracts millions of young people who follow her every day on her social networks.

Maria pombo

Maria Pombo’s trajectory in social networks

Maria Pombo started posting on Instagram in 2012 and gained great popularity among “good people”, where they saw in her an example to follow. Since then, she has managed to become a reference influencer in the Spanish scene, collaborating with numerous brands and participating in various fashion and lifestyle projects.

Her fresh and natural style, along with her ability to connect with her audience, have been the keys to her success on social media. Through her publications, Maria has managed to create a loyal community of followers who follow her every day and are inspired by her looks and tips.

In addition to Instagram, Maria has opted for other platforms such as YouTube, where she has more than 240,000 subscribers. On her channel, she shares videos about fashion, beauty, travel and lifestyle, as well as vlogs in which she shows her day to day life.

Maria Pombo’s Success in Social Networks

Maria Pombo’s success on social media is largely due to her ability to connect with her audience. Unlike other influencers, Maria has managed to maintain her personality and authentic style, which has generated a great identification with her community of followers.

Being able to stay for years at the top of the influencers is not an easy task, it is only achieved through effort and hard work. Here we explain the recipe for success of this Madrid native, who has been on the cover of Forbes magazine.

Instagram @mariapombo

Closeness in social networks

On Instagram, a social network known for being superficial, it is difficult to show oneself without filters or fake embellishments. However, María Pombo has managed to build a loyal community thanks to her naturalness and her courage to express herself as she is, without fear of losing followers.

An important message Maria conveys in her biography is that you should never compare your happiness, body, relationships or goals with anyone else. She demonstrates that everyone must build their own life and that appearances can be deceiving.


She has been able to create her own style, being a reference for thousands of teenagers who imitated her looks to go out on Saturday nights.
María Pombo is known for dressing comfortably and elegantly at the same time. She prefers casual outfits with simple lines, opting for oversize sweaters in winter and skirts and blouses in summer. In terms of colors, Maria favors khaki green, camel and navy blue, and usually uses white for upper garments. With this selection, Maria manages to create outfits that reflect her personal style and are easy to wear on any occasion.


María Pombo has been able to take advantage of her great bond with her sisters, family and friends to generate content on Instagram. Both her sister Lucía and her sister Marta have become influencers, positioning themselves in our country as the “Influencer Family” of Instagram. In addition, the support of her community of followers is so strong that they also follow her sisters and friends on social networks.

Maria has always made clear her deep respect for her family and friends. With a strong religious ideology and family advocate, she has always received great support from her followers on RRSS, who show their conditional love in all her publications.


Besides being a content creator, Maria Pombo has been able to diversify her capital by creating several companies. Like any job, Maria has been aware that the influencer world is unstable and one day you can be on top but the next you can lose everything. In a very smart way she has been able to create profitable businesses that have become a very important source of income, positioning herself as an example to follow as an entrepreneurial woman.

Maria Pombo

Maria’s business

In 2015, María Pombo co-founded with her sister Marta and her former brother-in-law Luis Giménez the fashion brand Tipi Tent, specializing in garments designed for everyday wear. In 2020, the company experienced a spectacular increase in sales of 200%, reaching a figure close to 1.5 million euros.

The influencer decided to go solo and founded the brand ‘Name The Brand’ in 2019, whose name was chosen with the help of her followers through a survey published on her social media profile. It is an online store that offers limited edition themed collections, which have proven to be a success to date. Among the most popular collections are ‘Iconic’, ‘New Beginnings’, ‘The Summer of Love’ and ‘Essentials’.

Suave Fest is also organized by Maria Pombo, a vintage reggaeton festival at the Wanda Metropolitano soccer stadium. In its Madrid edition there was a lot of criticism regarding the organization of the event, although Maria apologized to her fans, admitting that things didn’t go as well as she had hoped.


The Ídolo Awards are like the Goyas of the influencer world. Organized by Dulceida, it was created with the aim of professionalizing the work of influencers by awarding a prize to content creators in different categories. Maria Pombo also won this award in 2022, getting it in the most desired category “idol of the year”.

idol awards

Your representative agency – SoyOlivia

The influencer agency SoyOlivia has been the right hand of Maria Pombo in everything related to social networks. Daniela Rodriguez is one of the most respected entrepreneurs in our country, as she has been responsible for the success of several content creators such as Grace Villarreal, María García de Jaime or Victoria Federica herself. Maria has demonstrated the great relationship she has with her representative Daniela, appearing very often with her in social networks and thanking her for the great work she does in her job every day.

It is obvious that Maria’s career will continue to advance and together with her team they will be able to give us a lot of content on social networks. If you want to know more about how influencer reps work, you can read our article, where we explain their importance in influencers’ careers.

Juan Antonio Bikoro Montoro

Juan Antonio Bikoro

Directo de FlowFlamingo, graduado de marketing y dirección de empresas, cuenta con un máster en marketing digital por la Universidad de Salford.

A lo largo de su trayectoria profesional, ha trabajado en agencias de marketing y moda, donde ha adquirido una amplia experiencia en estrategias digitales. Su paso por MyProtein fue clave, liderando un equipo que gestionó a más de 300 influencers y ayudando a la marca a consolidarse como líder en Europa.

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