Spain’s most famous LGBTQ+ influencers

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Gay Pride is an international event that seeks to make visible, promote and celebrate sexual and gender diversity. In Spain, the struggle for the rights of the LGBTQ+ community has been significant over the years. The gay pride movement in the country had its beginnings in the 1970s, when the first activists began to organize and demand equality.

The first official gay pride event in Spain took place in Barcelona in 1977, and since then it has become an annual celebration in many Spanish cities, especially in Madrid, where one of the largest gay pride demonstrations in the world is held. During the month of June, thousands of people gather to march through the streets in a festive and vindictive atmosphere.

lgtbi influencers spain


The choice of June 28 as the date to celebrate Gay Pride has a significant history behind it. This date commemorates a pivotal event that took place in 1969 in New York, known as the Stonewall Riots.

At the time, discrimination and violence towards LGBTQ+ people was a normal, everyday occurrence. Bars and clubs frequented by the LGBTQ+ community faced constant repression by law enforcement. One such place was the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar located in the Greenwich Village neighborhood.

In the early morning hours of June 28, 1969, the police raided the Stonewall Inn, as they had done on previous occasions. This time, however, the LGBTQ+ community decided to stand up and resist. The raid sparked a series of clashes and protests that lasted several nights.

The Stonewall Riots marked a turning point in the struggle for LGBTQ+ rights. They served as a catalyst for community organizing and mobilization, which began to fight with greater strength and determination for equality and respect.

Stonewall gay pride

LGBTQ+ Influencers who have made a difference in Spain

In recent years, influencers have played an important role in Spain’s LGBTQ+ community by using their platforms to raise awareness, promote acceptance and advocate for equality. Here are some of the most famous and prominent LGBTQ+ influencers in the country:

Aida Domenech @Dulceida


Dulceida, whose real name is Aida Domenech, is a recognized influencer and an important reference in the LGBTQ+ community in Spain and beyond. Through her influence on social media, she has used her platform to promote acceptance, equality and self-love.

Dulceida has been open and honest about her identity as a bisexual woman, and has shared her personal experience with her followers. Her authenticity and her message of love and respect for all sexual orientations and genders has resonated with young people and has been a source of inspiration.

Carmen Jedet @Jedet

Carmen jedet gay pride

Carmen Jedet, a prominent artist and activist, has become a transgressive voice in the LGBTQ+ community in Spain. Through her art and activism, Carmen has challenged social norms and promoted visibility and respect for trans people.

Carmen is a trans woman who has used her personal experience to educate and raise awareness about the reality of transgender people. Through her social networks and her work in the entertainment industry, she has openly shared her story and addressed issues related to gender identity, acceptance and trans rights.

Enrique Alex @enriquealex


Enrique Alex is one of our country’s leading travel influencers. In recent years he has used his social media platforms to educate, inform and raise awareness about the challenges facing the LGBTQ+ community. Through her posts and videos, she has addressed relevant topics such as discrimination, civil rights and self-love. Her approach is inclusive and seeks to foster respect and acceptance towards all gender identities and sexual orientations.

In addition to his online presence, Enrique Alex has been active in LGBTQ+ organizations and events. He has been an advocate at marches and rallies, raising his voice for the rights of the community.

Luc Loren @lucloren

Luc Loren

Born in Zaragoza, Luc Loren has done everything in this life… presenter, content creator, dj, and entrepreneur, he has helped the collective giving visibility in all their social networks. With a very careful content and giving great visibility in social networks, he is the interviewer of the channel Somos Estupendas, where they talk about mental health from different angles.

Loren has talked about his experience as a gay man from different perspectives and with an honesty difficult to find nowadays in social networks. He has participated in several talks during gay pride helping thousands of people with his testimonies explaining the problems that the collective must face.

Melo Moreno @melomoreno

Melo Moreno

We simply love Yellow Melo! Her way of communicating, expressing herself and with the honesty with which she speaks, from her social networks she has given visibility to non-binary people.

Some time ago, Melo discovered that she was experiencing gender dysphoria, meaning that she did not feel comfortable with the gender she was assigned at birth and her gender identity. As a result, she identified as non-binary and made a carefully considered decision to undergo a double mastectomy to remove the breasts she was uncomfortable with. Despite fears about possible regrets associated with gender changes, to this day, she says this has been the best decision of her life.

Jonathan Beltrán Wiergo @jonanwiergo

Jonanwiergo gay pride

Our favorite survivor has defended the collective left and right, openly showing his sexual condition in social networks with his boyfriend Christian Tomás. In addition to being an influencer, he is also an entrepreneur and after being selected to participate in the reality show “Survivors”, Jonan has made the leap to the small screen for the second time.

In his Instagram account @Jonanwiergo, you will see good vibes in all his publications. You can’t miss it!

Carolina Iglesias @percebesygrelos

Carolina Iglesias barnacles and crabs

Carolina Iglesias is one half of the wonderful podcast “Estirando el chicle”, where laughs are guaranteed along with her partner Victoria Martín. Openly bisexual, throughout her career, Carolina Iglesias has used her social media platform to share her personal experience, promoting acceptance and diversity.

With her authenticity, social commitment and unique humor, Carolina Iglesias has proven that it is possible to transcend barriers and generate positive change in society. Her impact on the LGBTQ+ community and her influence on social media has inspired many to be true to themselves and embrace their identity with pride.

German Sanchez @gersanc_


Mocatriz and your trusty mamarracha, that’s how German defines himself. His comedic approach in addressing issues related to the labor situation in Spain, homophobia and everyday dramas, make his social networks a safe place full of laughter while offering a different approach.

Openly gay, in addition to his presence in social networks, Germán has ventured into writing and has published the book “Manual de una auténtica mamarracha”, which has achieved remarkable sales success on the Amazon platform.

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Juan Antonio Bikoro Montoro

Juan Antonio Bikoro

Directo de FlowFlamingo, graduado de marketing y dirección de empresas, cuenta con un máster en marketing digital por la Universidad de Salford.

A lo largo de su trayectoria profesional, ha trabajado en agencias de marketing y moda, donde ha adquirido una amplia experiencia en estrategias digitales. Su paso por MyProtein fue clave, liderando un equipo que gestionó a más de 300 influencers y ayudando a la marca a consolidarse como líder en Europa.

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